The Lisatura Pag. 48

We are happy to assist you

Mission and Vision

Looking for the best opportunities to satisfy the customer:


Mobile Phone: +393319020189


Working hours: 09.30 / 12.30 - 16.00 / 18.00 From Monday to Friday.

Purpose of processing

The lysing gives the fabric a soft hand, commonly referred to as "peach skin" or
of "deer". On some fabrics an aging appearance can also be achieved and on Denim a
mechanical effect of discoloration. It also allows you to mechanically reproduce the same effects
visual and hand typical of enzymatic processes normally used for desizing
and the microfribillation of polynosic fibers in general.
The effect of softness is given to the fabric by means of a smoothing cylinder (or brush), garnished
with plastic bristles with kevlar inserts, a light and very resistant wood. The particular flexibility
of these bristles allows him to follow all the roughness and hollows of the weave of the fabric.
It is possible to treat, both dry and wet, the most varied types of fabric, traditional or knitted, composed
from natural, artificial, synthetic fibers and their blends.

Processing technology

The fabric, previously prepared by means of a ramosa passage or decatizing, is presented to the lysing machine in the form of a roll (see figure A, point 1) and passes: in a center piece (fig. A, 2), between a series of cylinders stretchers and stretchers (fig. A, 3),
under the straightening cylinder or brush (fig. A, 4), after which it is dragged to be folded (fig. A, 5) or wound onto a large roll (fig. A, 6).
Above the machine, near the lysator, a suction hood (fig. A, 7) recovers the lysing powders.

Execution of processing

The operator, through an electronic control panel, sets and manages the various parameters of the
processing to achieve the desired result.
From an operational point of view, the employee must:
place the roll in the center, with the side to be smoothed facing upwards;
check that the fabric is well spread, to obtain a uniform smoothing over the entire height;
adjust the speed of the fabric, approach of the brush to the piece, angle of incidence between
the patch and the brush. The variation of these parameters determines the intensity of the lysing;
setting errors can cause devastating effects on the fabric;
clean the brush, removing any threads or fluff that may have deposited during processing;
when working, take the sample of the article to be made as a reference.

Most recurring defects

Selvedge center defect, treatment unevenness caused by brush wear.
Areas with a different degree of smoothing, if the fabric was not stretched well during processing.
The attendant must frequently check the resistance of the fabric, exerting traction
manual, since the processing intervenes energetically on the structure of the same.

Labor management

The machine must be left in and kept in perfect working order, in particular by proposing,
when necessary, the status check or replacement of the smoothing brush.


After the sale of the machinery we also assist you in logistics and if desired by the customer we have technicians capable of reassembling and starting the machinery.

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