Wide washing Continued Page 24

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Processing technology

This processing technology, despite having the same purposes as the two previous systems discussed
(discontinuous rope and wide washing), uses a different method whose configuration includes:
a pre-wash and rinse tank (figure A);
a storage tank (fig. B);
a soaking tray (fig. C);

a cooling tray (fig. D).

Execution of the work

The elements indicated above can be assembled differently depending on the type of washing
that you want to carry out and based on the type of fabric to be washed, but the two main steps: group
prewash and rinse (fig. A) and the fabric storage unit (fig. B), are normally located
in every combination and often repeated several times along the way.
Let's see some examples of combinations of steps that can constitute a machine:
tissue introducer, tissue soaking tub, tissue storage tub, two
pre-washing and rinsing tanks with stacker or roller at the outlet (fig. 1);
fabric introducer, prewash and rinse tank, storage tank, two prewash tanks
and rinsing, cooling tray, stacker or roller at the outlet (fig. 2);
fabric introducer, impregnation tray, storage tray, pre-wash tray and
rinsing, storage tank, two pre-wash and rinse tanks, cooling tank,
stacker or winder (fig. 3).


It is clear that the tanks are called pre-wash and rinse, depending on the position they occupy
in the chain, they do actual washing, where the countercurrent water can reach a certain temperature
of approximately 40/50°C in relation to that assumed in the storage tank, which it can reach
It is useful to know in more detail the process that takes place in the four groups listed above:
prewash and rinse tank (fig. A). The fabric, guided by cylinders (fig. A, point 2),
it passes under the nozzles (fig. A, 1) fed in countercurrent by the bath taken from the filter tank.
An excess part of the bath remains as a wedge between the fabric and the cylinder (fig. A, 2) and pushed by
the latter penetrates the patches during advancement.
The other part of the excess liquor not retained by the fabric is sent into the filter tank by a
conveyor (fig. A, 3).
Subsequently, the other side of the fabric is also washed by other nozzles (fig. A, 4) with the same
previously indicated method (fig. A, 5) and the excess bath pushed by
another conveyor (fig. A, 6) for another filter tank.
A series of small controlled conveyor cylinders (fig. A, 7) carries the piece between two squeezer cylinders
(fig. A, 8), then it goes to the tank for the next treatment scheduled in sequence.
Fabric storage tank (fig. B). In this tank the fabric is subjected to the operation of
soaping with diluted bath with independent recirculation. It can be worked both in high bath and in low bath
low bathroom. A series of coils (fig. B, 1) on the bottom of the tub heat the bath up to 98°C.
The piece, coming from the previous tub of the machine, passes into the bath through
a series of driving and return cylinders (fig. B, 2) where it is soaped.
As it advances, the fabric is kept taut and widened by a series of cylinders until
reaches the squeezer (fig. B, 3). It then passes into the tank for the next scheduled treatment.
Fabric impregnation tank (fig. C). When provided, this tank is equipped with coils
of bath heating (fig. C, 1) is inserted at the beginning of the machine.
The fabric, coming from the pallet, passes into the imbibition bath via a cylinder (fig. C, 2)
and, subsequently above and below the conveyor cylinders (fig. C, 3) where the jet of the
bath through two sprayers or nozzles (fig. C, 4),
then it passes through a tensioner/expander (fig. C, 5) and a squeezing unit (fig. C, 6) placed
outside the machine that conveys the fabric to the next machine in the process.
Fabric cooling tray (fig. D). It is placed at the end of the car and is
built with a scarf (fig. D, 1) with two or three cylinders placed outside the body of the machine.

This section of the process can be used for normal tissue cooling which
occurs via two sprayers of water at room temperature but can also be used for addition
of any auxiliary products that the fabric may require. The other organs of the tank are the same
to those indicated for the impregnation tray (fig. C).
Given the different solutions that this machine allows, the prewash and rinse tank (fig.
A) which normally works against the current, can exclude each individual tank if it occurs
used for independent treatments with different baths. Each tub is also equipped with a pump
of bathroom recirculation.

Execution of the Process

In addition to the normal threading operations of the machine, the purger must be very careful
to the processing parameters, which differ depending on the type of fabric to be treated, indicated by the table
control: bath temperature, fabric speed, squeezer pressure, jet power
of sprayers and nozzles, opening and closing of recycling tanks, introduction of detergent products
and auxiliaries, etc.

Most recurring defects

The speed of the machine must be set according to the fabrics to be washed and, in particular, based on the
type of glues present on the fabric. Polyvinyl alcohol, for example, requires sitting in
machine long enough to be able to swell and detach from the fiber. If this does not happen or happens
only partially, after drying at high temperature the defect will be permanent.


After the sale of the machinery, we also assist you in logistics and, if desired by the customer, we have technicians capable of reassembling and starting up the machinery.

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